JDLA Enrollment - August 2nd & 3rd
JDLA Enrollment at the school will be August 2nd from 8am to 6pm and August 3rd 8am to 4:30pm.
Join us for FREE Breakfast & Lunch
JDLA is a summer Food Service Program site.
June 5 - July 27, 2017. Breakfast is at 8:00 am, Lunch at 11:30 am.
Eat Smart. Play Hard.
Download flyer.
Monthly Lunch Menu
Click here to go to Food Service page.
JDLA is grades 1-12!
The John Dewey Learning Academy has increased partnership with the Guidance Center to offer the JDLA opportunity to all grade levels. JDLA begins the year with students in grades 1-12. Teaching staff has increased and classroom space added. Looking forward to another great year of learning experiences at JDLA!
JDLA Mission Statement
The mission of JDLA is to provide an authentic, nurturing and academically challenging earning environment for middle and high school students that connects to the world outside of school, is meaningful and promotes a positive sense of community, enthusiasm for learning, critical thinking / problem solving and social-emotional resiliency.
JDLA participates in Box Tops for Education Program
John Dewey Learning Academy participates in the Box Tops for Education program.
Please save Box Tops off items you purchase and send to Lu Newman at JDLA Office.
JDLA receives $0.10 for each Box Top!
See a complete listing of products at: http://www.boxtops4education.com
Christo - Therapy Dog
The Canine Staff always eagerly greets everyone.
Please don't feed the service dogs when in the building. :)
The Guidance Center School Programs
The Guidance Center can be a beneficial adjunct to any school-based program. TGC's purpose is to support both students and staff in managing behaviors that get in the way of academic progress. TGC incorporates both psychosocial group and attendant care services into the academic schedule. Group programs are designed for children who have experienced emotional disturbance which affects their functioning in the home, school, and community, and which may place the child at risk for out-of- home/school/community placement. Intensive support from the program facilitators assists the child in gaining skills for successful community living. Activities included in the program are structured, goal-directed activities designed to be interactive and promote active participation. The activities are based on participant's needs and are designed to improve interactions in the home, school, and community. Focus of activities may include:
· Assist youth in daily problem solving
· Improve social skills
· Promote health and well-being
· Provide training to support positive leisure time
· Enhance personal relationships
Attendant care services are one-on-one child specific services. The purpose of attendant care is to support, prompt, and praise kids throughout their daily routine so they can successfully complete their required tasks. Each child learns differently, and those with behavior issues have additional needs and barriers. Each child is unique and attendant care serves to identify and address those specific needs. The added benefit of this individualized attention is that there is less disruption in the classroom and therefore, less disruption to the academic progress of all the students in the class.
KSDE Child Nutrition & Wellness - Free Breakfast & Lunch
JDLA participates in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).
All enrolled students at John Dewey Learning Academy are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no charge each day of the 2014-2015 school year. Students will be able to participate in these meal programs without having to pay a fee or submit a meal application. Download letter to parents.
Read more about KSDE's Child Nutrition and Wellness at http://www.kn-eat.org